Chapter 1664: If You're Any Later, There Would Be No Heirs Left!_1

The giant hand fell, and space seemed to be completely restricted.

The remaining rage in the mad middle-aged man's solitary eye froze over, replacing it with endless fear.

A Celestial Immortal!

Fang Wubing's father, Fang Jingshi, the War Hall Master of the Multi-Treasure Dao Sect!

The middle-aged man's rage disappeared instantly, he hesitated for a moment, then turned to run!


The giant palm brutally collided with the middle-aged man, blowing a large hole in the palm, but the man was smashed down towards the ground by the slap.


Like a meteorite hitting the ground, a lofty mountain peak was shattered directly by the middle-aged man's impact.

The middle-aged man was already covered in blood, but now he looked even more miserable.

He vomited a mouthful of golden blood again, with his body turning into a rainbow light, evading towards the distance.

"Trying to escape?"