Chapter 1666: This is not a miracle, this is a legend! _1

"Heavenly Dao Alliance?"

Fang Jingshi looked serious, "Are you sure?"

Fang Wubing nodded confidently, "I am sure. As soon as that man appeared, Lin Chen revealed his identity, and even mentioned his late-stage Celestial Immortal strength. He said that this matter doesn't concern me and asked me to leave quickly."

Fang Jingshi nodded, "Straightforward and righteous."

Fang Wubing, aware of his father's worry, asked, "Dad, by your tone, it seems you know about the Heavenly Dao Alliance?"

Fang Jingshi nodded, "We have crossed paths. They vaguely attempted to probe Multi-Treasure Dao Sect's stance. I made it clear that our sect maintains neutrality and has no interest in siding in anyone's disputes, and so they backed off."

Fang Wubing asked, "This Heavenly Dao Alliance is so mysterious, what is their origin, do you know, Dad?"