Chapter 1669: Plucking Feathers from a Passing Goose? _1

"Young Master, are we heading to the Immortal Palace now?"


Lin Chen's gaze fell on the map in front of him, and he chuckled, "Let's have an adventure first."


Liu Yuqi was puzzled, "Where are we adventuring to?"

Lin Chen answered, "To the Cave Mansion of a peak celestial immortal. It's said that this celestial immortal fell within his Cave Mansion. Let's visit and see if we can gain anything."

The Cave Mansion of a peak celestial immortal?

Liu Yuqi and Fan Cuihong exchanged a look, both seeing shock in each other's eyes.

Why does Lin Chen seem so casual about it?

Such Immortal Fate is something that ordinary cultivators might not encounter even once in their lifetime, yet Lin Chen's tone made it sound like there's a banquet somewhere, and we should drop by, bring along a gift, sit down for a big meal, and then continue on our journey.

It's just that casual!