Chapter 1672: Life and Death Gladiator Arena _1

Lin Chen blinked, and he was already in a stone chamber. The chamber was big and completely empty.

Behind Lin Chen, stood a Light Door through which Liu Yuqi and Fan Cuihong emerged, curiously and excitedly looking around.

Lin Chen furrowed his brows as he did not see any other doors leading elsewhere.

The map and token both were effective, and this Cave Mansion had seemingly not been opened before. So, what was this huge space for?

The Light Door flickered as more people walked in, both men and women. In a blink of an eye, dozens of people had entered.

These people were men, women, old and young alike, and all eyes fell on Lin Chen.

"Fellow cultivator, did you find and open this cave mansion?"

With his hands spread, Lin Chen said, "This question doesn't seem important right now. If I say yes, would you all take nothing and let me take everything?"

The crowd glanced at each other, feeling that Lin Chen's words made a lot of sense!