Chapter 1678: You said you were a remnant soul, but you are lying._1

Chen Haoran and Lin Chen's conversation left the crowd somewhat baffled.

Despite some lingering doubts, with two Peak-True Immortals standing watch in front of Lin Chen, who would dare to rush forward recklessly and serve themselves up on a platter?

A mere Earth Immortal like Lin Chen possesses two Peak-True Immortal maids. This immediately sparked a flurry of speculation among the crowd.

This guy must be some wealthy family's young master who is out experiencing the world.

Clearly, he unlocked the Cave Mansion, yet he gives off an air of disinterest. It is apparent he values his life over the treasures and techniques inside.

With Chen Haoran's loud yell, the scene suddenly descended into chaos.

Some retreated, distancing themselves from the fighting; some threw out large-scale attack talismans; some called forth their Magical Treasures and launched indiscriminate attacks on those around them; and some rushed towards the sacrificial altar, seeking the Sun Real Fire.