Chapter 1683: Aren't you a Peak Celestial Immortal? Try to kill me, let's see!_1

"Ha ha, you're all talk!"

Gao Yu seemed to have heard something hilarious: "Are you clowns trying to show off a little peak celestial immortal?"

Chen Haoran laughed heartily: "If you really had power, you would have crushed us in one blow. Why bother trying to lure us into action and deplete our strength? Aren't you a peak celestial immortal? Come and try to squeeze me to death!"

Gao Yu sneered: "If you want to die, then I'll see you on your way!"

Gao Yu raised his hand and reached out towards Chen Haoran.

Lin Chen's pupils contracted slightly, finding this move familiar.

The late-stage celestial immortal who had once chased him had dealt a blow and shattered the space instantly. Anyone within it would be crushed to ashes by the twisted space.

This is a spatial pressure technique unique to late-stage celestial immortals. Although it can also be used in other stages of strength, the effects are worlds apart.