Chapter 1685: Where is My Sun Real Fire, Has It Been Swallowed?_1

A furious black dragon shadow roared out, bringing with it a wild surge of spiritual Qi, like a thousand sharp blades, once again enveloping Gao Yu in an instant.

Gao Yu's eyes widened in horror, his face full of disbelief.

Chen Haoran's previous attack was so fierce. Gao Yu had exerted the strength of "nine cows and two tigers," consuming almost all of his origin power to recover half his strength in an instant and blocking this wave.


Chen Haoran had such hidden cards, this fellow with only Earth Immortal strength also has them!

Time didn't give Gao Yu any room to think. At the critical moment of life and death, his only option was to once again use his origin power to make himself stronger.

The shockwave was tremendously powerful, continuously ravaging Gao Yu.

Gao Yu had never felt time pass so slowly!