Chapter 1694: Are You a Fairy Harvester?_1

The Divine Court Mountain Range, an area of tens of thousands of miles covered with towering and rugged mountain peaks, stood strong and magnificent, as if it constituted the cornerstone that held up Heaven and Earth.

Endless ice and snow draped over the entire Divine Court Range, where aside from a scarce number of creatures adapted to harsh cold climates, no other traces of life could be found.

The Immortal Palace was situated atop the most majestic and impressive mountain peak at the heart of the Divine Court Range, known as the Divine Mountain.

The lofty main hall and the endless white buildings blended seamlessly into the entire mountain peak.

Lin Chen and the two women were stopped by the guards of the Immortal Palace when they were still a hundred miles away.

"Who goes there?"

Lin Chen took out the Immortal Palace Token and injected spiritual power into it, activating the embedded Shadow Image.