Chapter 1719: You Have to Perform this Big Drama Yourself!_1

"Seal the Devil's Hall, allow no one to leave, let no news leak out, report everything to the Immortal Palace, and ask them to send reinforcements!"

After a moment's thought, Cao Hechuan gave his suggestion, "I might be able to hold him off, but as a powerhouse at the level of Immortal Monarch, it's nearly impossible to surround and kill him in a normal state!"

"We may not be able to target Four Seas Immortal Monarch for a killing spree, but instead, our primary action goal should be to surround and kill other members of the Heavenly Dao Alliance in the Southern Tiansuan Continent division, thus making an example of them."

Lin Chen thought that what Cao Hechuan said made a lot of sense; if the powerful cannot be killed, then kill those with weaker abilities.

If the experts can't be killed, can't I still kill the weaker ones?

If you want to follow the Heavenly Dao Alliance, then you first have to evaluate if your life is as tough as Four Seas Immortal Monarch!