Chapter 1726: Once You Taste The Sweetness, Wouldn't You Want To Join? _1

Lin Chen felt fortunate.

Thankfully, he hadn't chosen to attack by force. Otherwise, faced with twenty Heavenly Immortals of substantial power, plus hundreds of Golden Immortals and True Immortals, could he have won this battle?

Lin Chen wasn't sure, and neither was Cao Hechuan.

The two exchanged glances, both seeing the shock and underlying relief in each other's eyes.

Yan Hao watched their reactions with satisfaction.

Be shocked!

There's even more that will astonish you!

Once you're shocked enough, you'll naturally feel a sense of awe and will naturally join us.

"You'll stay in these two stone chambers, and I'll live over there. If there's anything, seek me out anytime," he said.

Lin Chen looked around: "Thanks, Brother Yan. This place seems amazing, can I roam around and explore?"

Yan Hao nodded, "Once you're within these confines, you're one of us, of course you can."