Chapter 1737: Fainted? What Should I Do?_1

Cold Forest City.

"Fairy Cloud Manor is in the north, about thirty miles away. Shall we head there now?"

"All right!"

After learning the location of Fairy Cloud Manor, Lin Chen and the woman assumed to be the Four Seas Immortal Monarch set off in that direction.

Throughout the journey, which lasted about twenty days, the woman was constantly healing from her injuries, and it was clear that her condition was not good.

Despite taking a Heaven Mending Pill, which should have helped with her severe internal injuries, she vomited blood twice on the flying boat. Her condition seemed critical.

Given her current situation, it was only natural that there was no conversation between the two of them. They journeyed in silence.

Lin Chen, who was piloting the flying boat, was bored and lost in thought. He even wondered what would happen if he suddenly attacked her.

For example, what if he suddenly hit her with a Black Dragon Wave?