Chapter 1755: If We've Started Killing, Then Kill Them All!_1

This Demon Eye Snake Spider must be killed!

Not only kill, we can't destroy its limbs, especially those eyes!

Originally, Lin Chen couldn't harvest this group of Wudu Tang Disciples by controlling the cold air. But now with the Medusa stirring up the situation, it has become straightforward.

Over ten Wudu Tang Disciples were reduced to five in the blink of an eye. These five were all Golden Immortals and in the late-stage or at the peak of their strength, each possessing robust Defense Treasures.

Although they are trapped in the Illusionary Realm, they rely on strong strength and determination to support the Barrier robustly, resisting the invasion of the cold air, and preventing themselves from becoming ice sculptures!

The white-haired elder, who led the way, finally showed exceptional strength. After a few breaths, he forcibly broke free from the Illusionary Realm.