Chapter 1773: Lin Chen! It's You! _1

The Mountain Master, the Four Seas Immortal Monarch, and Weijiao, among others, had all their attention drawn to the sudden commotion.

All eyes were concentrated on the figure shrouded in white light.

The Mountain Master chuckled, "He succeeded, he is about to cross the Thunder Tribulation soon, and once he crosses the tribulation, he can advance to become a True Immortal."

Delight shined in the eyes of the Four Seas Immortal Monarch, who nodded slightly, but remained silent.

Weijiao glanced at the Mountain Master and then at the Four Seas Immortal Monarch, her expression somewhat curious, "Who is this, who is advancing again?"

Turning his head, the Mountain Master casually replied, "A friend of the Four Seas."

Weijiao acknowledged with a sound, her gaze fell onto the figure, but then she suddenly paused.

Why does this person look familiar?

Have I met him before?