Chapter 1777: Did She Bully You?_1

Immortal Palace.

Yao Xuanji is sitting at his desk, reading a document, with a report-carrying palace guard next to him.

The guard has been waiting for a while, but Yao Xuanji has yet to give an order. Unable to help himself, the guard tentatively lifts his head to find that although Yao Xuanji's gaze is on the document, he doesn't seem to be paying attention.

Is he daydreaming?

The guard cautiously calls out, "Great One?"

Yao Xuanji suddenly lifts his eyes, as if he had just been shaken back to reality, and orders the guard, "I need to think about this matter. You may leave for now."

The guard looks puzzled. This was standard procedure, routine reporting. Why would it need more consideration?


Leaving the room with a doubtful mind, the guard leaves Yao Xuanji alone.

Yao Xuanji's icy expression suddenly crumbles and he covers his face with both hands, his cheeks slightly flushing.

It was so embarrassing.

He had been daydreaming in front of his subordinate.