Chapter 1775: Is this guy more than shameless?_1

"You mentioned that helping him get promoted will count as repaying the favor you owe him. Does that mean that once he gets promoted, you'll be completely clear of any grudges with him and you won't protect him anymore, right?"

Weijiao glared at the woman standing before her, a hint of anger in her eyes.

This woman not only has a formidable strength, but more importantly, she and the Alliance Leader are from the same High-ranked Immortal Realm, belonging to the same force, and share a good relationship.

This is not a relationship that she can compete against or influence.

Although she was uncomfortable deep down, she didn't dare to force her hand. On one hand, taking action might not please her. On the other hand, if she really did make a move, the consequences could be severe.

This woman could even dismiss the Alliance leader's face, let alone hers.