Chapter 1785: Peeling a silk cocoon, catching its tail! _1

This Soul Separation Sect is indeed mysterious!

How does it sound like a research laboratory?

They research the Soul Art, use the Soul Art to produce powerful Soul Monsters, and then sell them out?

Isn't this the same principle as a laboratory inventing patented technology, then selling that patented technology to reap the benefits, and then investing in the research of new technology?

Lin Chen carefully inquired once again, confirming the general range where he had fainted earlier.

The man also narrated his three-year life in the Soul Separation Sect. Lin Chen asked in detail because once he found the Soul Separation Sect, he was likely to enter it, and it was always right to learn more.

"The Sect Array of the Soul Separation Sect has flaws, probably because it has been too long, the Array has worn out but has not been discovered by anyone, resulting in weak points. These weak points are right behind the row of houses where the slaves lived."