Chapter 1825: I just want to beat them up, don't panic!_1

All the mockery and laughter suddenly disappeared.

Everyone glared at Lin Chen, their eyes filled with unmistakable rage.

"Just you?"

"You certainly know how to boast, don't you!"

"Let me knock some sense into you first and see if you're still as arrogant."

Lin Chen answered with a slight smile, "My strength is insignificant compared to all of you. I'm only at the mid-stage of a True Immortal."

Before the crowd could continue their tirades, Lin Chen's tone turned slightly colder, "Whether you're True Immortal Realm combatants or have artificially constrained your strength to that level, I'm ready to accept your challenges. I want to see whether the Dragon Clan's arrogance really has any validation, or if it's just mere hubris, and you've only mastered the art of idle talk."

If you want to challenge me, bring it on!

The Dragon Clan members across from Lin Chen were thrilled, each eager to join the fight.

"Zi Yuan, let me deal with him!"

"Allow me!"