Chapter 1837: Holy Land, The Final Path?_1

"I am an envoy from the Immortal Palace, I came to discuss important affairs with the Clan Chief of the Azure Dragon Clan, but I was swept away by a surge of blood light, and directly pulled into this place…"


The disciple of the Ice Dragon Clan stared suspiciously at Lin Chen – "What blood light?"

Lin Chen then narrated the whole incident about how the Bloody Light Door had swept everything into its destructive vortex; leaving the Ice Dragon disciple completely dumbfounded.

"The Sky Door exploded?"

Lin Chen nodded, "I was drawn in and blacked out instantly. When I woke up, I found myself deep in the wilderness. I was about to become a meal for some wild beast. After flying thousands of miles, you guys are the first dragons I have encountered. Can you tell me what's going on here?"