Chapter 1835: The Sky Door Opens, An Accident Occurs!_1

The Sky Door, towering thousands of feet high, pierced straight into the clouds.

The Sky Door was enveloped in white mist, like a fairyland, but terrifying breaths continuously overflowed from it.

This breath was odd, not continuously overflowing, but in spurts, like scorching breaths, irregularly brushing against the skin, causing goosebumps all over, and very uncomfortable!

Could this terrifying and scorching overflow of breath be the Breath of the Ancestral Dragon?

A scene appeared in Lin Chen's mind, behind the massive Sky Door, a huge dragon head so large that its full appearance could not be seen, was just lying there, breathing at the Sky Door, spewing terrifying breaths with flames...

This imagery was quite horrifying!

Outside the Sky Door, there stood a line of the Dragon Clan's top powerhouses. They were clan chiefs of various dragon sub-clans. They will jointly open the Sky Door.