Chapter 1842: Good Wine! Good Wine! _1

"Pour the wine!"

With the Ancestral Dragon's command, the handmaids bustled about the Great Hall, pouring a glass of wine for every stone table.

The Ancestral Dragon sat high in the Great Hall and laughed, "This wine is brewed by myself. It can improve one's constitution, enhance strength and help in breaking through realms. However, it's rather potent, so everyone should drink responsibly, and not be greedy."

The people picked up their wine glasses, "Thank you, Ancestral Master!"

The wine glass was not large, and the wine in the cup was about two ounces. Most of the attendees were at the Golden Immortal level so they naturally didn't consider this small amount of wine as much. Everyone picked up their glasses, and drained the wine in one gulp.

The wine flowed down the throat, and before Lin Chen even had the chance to savor the taste, he felt a buzz in his head, the scene in front of him blurred, and he fell straight onto the stone table.