Chapter 1871: You all wait for me, I need to cross a disaster first!_1

Chu Yue, the true heir disciple of Star Mist Sword Sect, with an Innate Dao Body, was originally the first on the True Immortal List.

Fang Wubing, the only son of Fang Jingshi, the War Hall Master of Multi-Treasure Dao Sect, defeated Dugu Ying of the North Profound Sect, who was third on the original True Immortal List, taking his place as the new third on the True Immortal List.

Chen Haoran, the Ghost Child of Ghost King Tomb, the fourth on the True Immortal List.

Unexpectedly, these three people all came to visit Lin Chen at the same time. What is so special about Lin Chen?

After hearing Chen Haoran's story, Fang Wubing was somewhat discontented.

Hmph, an old man who is running out of energy tried to hunt and kill us, but he couldn't manage to even lay a finger on us in the end and was killed by my father, wasn't he?

Unfortunately, I can't say it. Let you gloat a little bit!