Chapter 1873: You're simply stunning! _1

This sword had not only startled Lin Chen but also shocked everyone watching him.

This is too outrageous!

It not only obliterated the purple thunderbolt but also blasted a hole through the thunderous cave!

How tremendous must the power be?

Peak of the True Immortal?

Are you kidding me?

With this kind of power, I'd believe you even if you said it was the peak of the Golden Immortal!

Everyone remembered this terrifying sword, deeply ingraining the image of Lin Chen in their minds.

This is the Tianxuan Martial Arts Contest, attended by the elites of various factions from the Heavenly Mystery Continent. Lin Chen's realm-breaking and tribulation-crossing on the spot had already become a topic of conversation, and this sword truly shocked everyone, branding his name on anyone who witnessed this scene.

The sixth wave.

The seventh wave.

The eighth wave.