Chapter 1904: Equal Contract_1

Lin Chen was stunned, "A pact?"

Qi smiled, "Hasn't everyone who entered the Ghost Tower sought its approval, wishing to eventually win it completely?"

"When we first met, didn't I ask you about your choice of pact? Your answer is still fresh in my mind."

Lin Chen gave a chuckle, "Youthful arrogance, youthful arrogance..."

Thinking back to when they met, Lin Chen was quite young. Only accepting a pact where he was superior, while considering the gap in their powers, truly showed his naivety.

After a pause, Lin Chen was curious, "Sister Qi, why bring up this pact all of a sudden?"

Qi replied, "You have now reached the strength of a Golden Immortal, just enough to tap into the power of the tower. With a pact, you will face stronger enemies; you can then include me as one of your life-bound magical treasures in your Sea of Knowledge. In your Sea of Knowledge, I can speed up your cultivation."