Chapter 1910: What Nonsense, Who did I Tempt?_1

Yao Xuanji had met Gu Yuexi before, but the situation was entirely different then. Now that they were both under the same title of being "Lin Chen's women", Yao Xuanji found herself warming up to Gu Yuexi upon hearing these words.

It's hard to find someone who wouldn't like Gu Yuexi's personality.

She sees through things, is broad-minded and magnanimous. Her conversations and manners would give men a great sense of achievement, while women would feel a sense of understanding, as if she "knows me".

Yao Xuanji and Gu Yuexi ended up chatting together, leaving Lin Chen somewhat left out.

Lin Chen felt both gratified and peculiar.

Why does this relationship feel like it doesn't involve him?

Suddenly, Yao Xuanji spoke up with a weird expression: "There's another sister on the boat…"

Gu Yuexi caught on instantly: "Sister Qi?"

Yao Xuanji shook her head: "No, another... sister."

Gu Yuexi blinked: "The one who manipulated the two golden dragons like scissors?"