Chapter 1929: Is it Because She's a Pretty Woman? _1

Hunting demons?

The demon race hunting demons?

Lin Chen's facial expression instantly becomes quite interesting, what was happening here?

Su Quan noticed Lin Chen's expression, explaining, "Special Envoy Lin must be wondering why, being demon creatures ourselves, we need to hunt demons?"

Lin Chen said with a laugh, "Indeed I am a little puzzled, mostly because I have never been to the Heavenly Demon Continent and am not familiar with the customs here. If I've offended in any way, I hope Palace Master Su won't take it to heart."

Su Quan waved her hand and explained with a smile, "There are countless demon races on the Heavenly Demon Continent, but not all demon cultivators can abide by the demon code after becoming conscious. Because of their natural instinct, many demon races are cruel, fond of killing and lawlessness, even after their shape transformation."