Chapter 1940: Isn't This Too Exaggerated?_1

Mosquitoes besieging a city, driving countless demon cultivators to abandon it and flee?

Even the powerhouses of the Heavenly Fox Palace couldn't withstand a swarm of mosquitoes, even a Fairy was drained dry?

What kind of mosquitoes?

Are they that formidable?

The middle-aged man replied, "I'm not entirely sure either. I only heard that the one commanding these mosquitoes is a black mosquito, larger than a mountain. However, that's just a rumor. Whether it's accurate or not, I don't know…"

Lin Chen asked a few more queries, but he then let them go.

"What kind of mosquito is this powerful? Sister Ziyun, have you ever heard of them?"

Purple Cloud Immortal Lord shook her head: "Although any living thing in this world can become a demon, a mosquito demon is not a particularly unique existence. However, I have never heard of such a ferocious mosquito... Shall we go have a look?"