Chapter 1956: This Body, I will Get it Back Sooner or Later! _1

"Immortal Palace's special envoy? How did you get involved with the Immortal Palace?"

Standing at the entrance of the mountain, Kong Ling looked at Lin Chen, with a subtle tone, rapidly considering his thoughts.

Initially, he had an agreement with Lin Chen. Lin Chen would find a way to separate his spirit from Lin Yuan's spirit, providing his own spirit with a place to dwell. Furthermore, this body would be of higher rank than his own.


I'm already a Celestial Immortal, what's higher than that?

A Daluo powerhouse?

Kong Ling sneered inwardly, meanwhile considering if he should just kill Lin Chen outright to avoid complications. However, Xuanyuan Feiying's advice echoed in his mind, warning him that this kid was crafty and difficult to kill. It was better to deceive him to leave, rather than stoking his suspicions about this place.