Chapter 1959: Palace Lord Nie is in Trouble!_1

Heavenly Fox Palace.

Lin Chen once again met the Palace lord Su Quan, who was even more polite compared to their last encounter.

"Special Envoy Lin, I've heard from my disciples in the palace. If you hadn't happened to be there to help us, suppressing that Mosquito Monster, I'm afraid all my disciples would have been annihilated. You've really done us a great favor!"

Lin Chen said with a laugh: "I just happened to be there. You don't have to be so polite. Besides, Nalan is my friend. It's only right that I help."

Lin Chen and the others settled down in the Heavenly Fox Palace, and during the banquet, Lin Chen once again asked about the final main ingredient needed for the Nine-Turn Da Luo Pill.

Yellow Jade Purple Cloud Grass.

Su Quan smiled and answered: "After you left last time, I searched all the ancient books in the palace and finally found some information about it in an ancient book."

Lin Chen's eyes lit up: "Where?"