Episode seven

In one of the rooms in the maiden's court, Aira lay limp, almost lifeless, on the hard cold floor, looking like a broken doll when a bucket of freezing water hit her face jolting her back to consciousness. Her eyes snapping open with confusion and alarm as she gasped for breath. Coughing and sputtering, feeling like a thousand needles pricked her skin. 

Her mind still struggling to comprehend what was happening, a forceful hand gripped her chin, lifting her face towards her assailant, and she blinked to clear the mix of water and tears from her eyes, meeting with a menacing look from concubine Rehani, who had the power to do whatever she wanted with his lord's girls in the maiden's court.

"How dare you humiliate his lord like that?" Rehani asked,  each word laced with scorn. "Do you know how many girls would have felt honoured just to have his lord look at them? Yet, instead of falling on your knees and thanking him for the chance to submit your body to him, you humiliate him. Were you trying to show that his lord is unworthy of you?"


The concubine's grip tightened, pulling her closer to her face, and said in a low, threatening tone, "Mark my words, I will make you regret ever coming to the palace and the maiden's court until you beg for death." With that, she pushed Aira back hard, the back of her head hitting the wall, and she winced, the impact sending a jolt of pain through her skull.

"And go wash up! You smell like a pig."

Why did I come to the palace?

Tears fell from her eyes, and she regretted letting the first lady talk her into coming into the palace, wishing she had never stepped foot into the palace, the memory of the icy water and Faheem nearly strangling her to death haunting her like a relentless shadow, longing for the simplicity of her life back in The Phoenix House.


Feeling a kick in her back, Aira woke up with a groan, aches and cramps in her muscles, for Concubine Rehani had forced her to sleep on the floor.

"For today, you will have to get your breakfast from the palace kitchen before being assigned maids later in the afternoon. So hurry up, wash up, and after breakfast, one of the palace school mistresses will guide you through the palace rules, laws, and customs."

After the maiden's court assistant matron had left the sleeping hall, the girls hurriedly washed up and made their way to the palace kitchen, pointedly avoiding Aira as if she were a plague. Hostile glares burning through her, each look carrying a weight of disdain and rejection. And though it hurt how they treated her as an outcast, she understood they had no choice but to do as Concubine Rehani had ordered, afraid of her too.

When it was her turn, the kitchen assistant pointed towards the mountain of dishes at the corner instead of giving her breakfast.

"Lady Rehani has ordered that you shouldn't eat unless you finish cleaning all those dishes."

Aira stared at them with a hopeless expression, wondering when she would get them done. And the kitchen assistant, noticing her inaction, yelled, "What are you standing there for? Move your feet!"

"Sorry." She bowed her head. "Where…is…the…washing…area?"

The kitchen assistant pointed at it, and Aira, bowing her head again, whispered, "Thank… you." 

Rolling up her sleeves, she approached the piled dishes. And as she sorted them in the washing area, scraping off the leftover food with her fingers, two kitchen assistants brought her two basins full of water, one of them being the woman serving breakfast earlier. 

The woman slamming her basin, the water flew in all directions, and Aira felt a sharp pain on her cheek as icy water fell on it, wiping it with her sleeve.

"I will come and inspect them after you done," the woman warned. "And if they aren't spotlessly clean, there will be no food for you today."

Aira's hands trembled as she dipped them into the icy water, trying to focus on scrubbing the wine cup, but the numbing cold made it difficult to hold the wine cup feeling like her hands were wrapped inside balls of ice like gloves. Quickly she put aside the wine cup, and blew on her hands to warm them up before putting four wine cups in the basin. 

Halfway done with the dishes, someone grabbed her arm softly and stood her up. Tossing the bowl she was holding into the water.

"Leave it. It's not your duty to wash dishes."

"But… if… I… don't… wash.… them, they…. won't…. give…. me…. breakfast."

"Here." The matron of the maiden's court handed her a sahelawi( a wooden food container with a carrying handle and a lid.) with food inside.

  "Eat quickly. Then I will have someone take you to the study hall. You can't miss today's class, or the headmistress  will have someone lash your back thirty times."

Aira sat back on the stone and opened the lid, releasing a sweet aroma that instantly made her stomach grumble, salivating at the sight of the flatbread, meat dish, perfectly boiled egg, and the assortment of fresh, ripe fruits.

"Thank…you," she mumbled with gratitude before eagerly stuffing the flatbread in her mouth, relief washing over her, soothing the gnawing ache in her stomach. For she hadn't eaten since yesterday morning, as the mere thought of seeing Faheem made her stomach twist in knots. 

"Next time they refuse to give you breakfast or any food, come and tell me, and then we will see who is brave enough to defy me," the matron said firmly. "And never let them bully you into washing dishes again, okay?"

Aira hesitated, her eyes reflecting fear. "But… if I don't… do as… concubine.... Rehani… says, she… will… make… my….. life… miserable."  The thought of being on the receiving end of Rehani's wrath sending a bone-chilling shiver down her spine. 

She seems like a lunatic.

"Don't worry, her bark is worse than her bite," the matron reassured her, giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze. But Aira wasn't convinced.

"Now finish up. You don't want to be late for class." 


In the study hall, as the mistress carefully guided them through the palace rules, Aira noticed a striking similarity with the rules back at the palace in her homeland Kirania. The importance of confidentiality, proper attire, punctuality and whatnot echoed the familiar teaching she had heard. The palace protocol also similar. Differences branching in the religious beliefs, ceremonies and rituals, for Kirania worshipped The Lord of Heavenly Armies, the God of Kirania, and Husa worshipped various gods and goddesses, Novus being their patron god.

  But even if Aira hated the palace, there was a silver lining in her storm as she had the chance to study apothecary in the Palace school, unlike in Kirania, where women were barely above slaves and only allowed to know how to read and write, religious practices, etiquette, and simple arithmetic.  Here, the girls could study anything their hearts desired as long as it didn't harm his lord, the palace or the nation.

"That's all for today. You may all go back to the maiden's court." 

After the mistress left, the girls began to leave, chatting and giggling among themselves. Aira reluctant to leave as she was scared of what Concubine Rehani would do if she crossed her path. However, she soon grew bored in the study hall with nothing to do. The memories of the days when she and Zara would hide from their stepmother's wrath sparking an idea in her. And she decided to search for a place where she could hide from Concubine Rehani during breakfast, after class and before everyone went to bed, a place no one would ever suspect. 

Creeping through the palace garden on the opposite side of the maiden's court, Aira searched for a place to hide. Her heart drumming against her chest, her nerves on edge, glancing over her shoulders every five seconds,  every sound startling her. As she ventured deeper into the secluded part of the garden, she saw a pavilion in the middle of the pond, her eyes warily scanning her surroundings before dashing towards the pavilion, her heart pounding with excitement and relief. And she lay on the floor. 

  So perfect.

  It's hidden and quiet.

  I hope no one ever comes here. 


In recent months, Faheem had been burdened with numerous pressing matters, leaving him little time to relax in the pavilion as he painted. However, now that the dust had settled in the court and the demands of the nation had momentarily eased, he looked forward to spending some alone time in the pavilion away from the ever-reporting court officials and the never-ending problems that arose. 

As he entered the pavilion, his personal aide Tafari and two servants close behind him, carrying his painting supplies, he almost tripped over something on the floor. Glancing down, he saw a young girl lying on her stomach on the floor, dead asleep, oblivious to his presence.

  His brows knitted in annoyance, he snapped, "Throw her out!" 

"Yes, my lord." 

Tafari hoisted. Aira off the ground. Startled by the sudden jerk, her eyes shot open, panicking when she found herself in Tafari's arms, carried against her will. Her instinct kicked in, biting down on his cheek with surprising force. And with a yelp of pain, he involuntarily dropped her to the floor. 

Looking up, she found Faheem's penetrating gaze fixed upon her, and it was as if his eyes could see through every layer of her being, leaving her stripped bare and exposed in a way she had never experienced before making her look down at her trembling fingers. 

His lips curling into a smirk, a sarcastic and mocking glint in his eyes, he taunted her, "Did you change your mind, waiting for me here hoping I would give you another chance?"

Aira didn't reply, And Faheem continued, his suggestive remarks sending discomfort through her.

"Do you want us to do it now? Should I chase them away, or do you want them to watch?"

Scared of what he might do to her, she quickly rose to her feet, and as she ran out of the pavilion, she missed a step and lost her balance, falling on her face. Humiliated.

"How dare you try to run away from His lord?" Tafari asked, and before Aira could apologise, a familiar voice called out her name, "Zesha!"

"What are you doing on the ground?" The matron ran to Aira and handed the sahelawi( her mother had ordered her to bring to Faheem) to Tafari, helping her up.

  "What are you doing here? Do you know how scared I was when I searched for you everywhere and couldn't find you?" The matron asked, shaking her by the arms.

  And Aira bowing her head, apologised, "I…am…sorry…I…made…you…worry. I…didn't…mean…to…fall…asleep. I…just…wanted…to…hide…for…a…little…while." 

"Why? Did Rehani do anything to you? Did she mistreat you again?" the matron inquired, looking at Aira with concern, but she shook her head.

"I told you her bark is worse than her bite. You shouldn't be scared of her, and if she mistreats you again, come and tell, and I will deal with her, okay?"


The matron holding her hand, turned to leave when Faheem's voice stopped them. "Sahi, you may leave, but she stays!"

  The matron looked at Aira, who shook her head, pleading with her eyes not to leave her with him, and she blinked at her, understanding how she felt.

  "If it's company you want, why don't I send one of the girls brought in yesterday since Zesha doesn't feel so well," she tried to convince Faheem, hoping he would change his mind. But he was adamant.

  "I don't care! She stays!" he said, leaving no room for arguments. 

"I am sorry," Sahi mouthed to Aira as Tafari pulled Aira away from her and dragged her back to the pavilion. 

"I hope you choke on the honey cakes Mother has prepared for you," She muttered under her breath as she watched Aira disappear into the pavilion with dread.

The end.