
Chen Kai didn't know it but Xu Yushi did.

He didn't know how picturesque his actions were.

A young handsome man standing tall and regal with his hands clasped behind his back as he admired the beauty of the tree before him.

A few young ladies secretly took photos of him and immediately posted them on their WeChat moments. Older patrons pleasantly smiled at his captivation of the tree and for Xu Yushi, she felt proud of the effect the mall had on this new shareholder.

"Let's proceed. I have an appointment soon and I wanted to buy a few things during this tour. Will that be okay?"

Chen Kai spoke at the turn of his head and Xu Yushi answered quickly.

"It is, Mr. Chen. Before we move on, let's look over the transfer documents. There's a cafe that's exclusive to Nanhe on the second floor."

He nodded his head in agreement and followed her to the nearest elevator.

The system took away the 'sudden appearance' gimmick and opted for the human contact scenario as a way for him to meet new people. He also preferred this way - fewer questions and misunderstandings.

Traveling to the second floor, he got a first-hand look at the reverse store positioning. The entrance to all of the stores faced the walkway and the back of their stores were made into window displays and their signage. From the ground floor, you can see every store when you look up and the goods they wish to display.

The mall-exclusive cafe all adopted an open-air balcony design. The customers can view below and above without obstruction.

Reaching their first stop, Xu Yushi continued her duty as a guide and introduced him to the local stores as they made their way to the cafe.

Chen Kai being in exploration mode, purchased whatever caught his fancy. Xu Yushi's eye twitched when he bought an Onyx Beaded Bracelet from Luis Morais for $ 6000 yuan.

Upon reaching the cafe, she ordered them both a late breakfast and began the share transfer.

"I won't be changing anything internally. All I will give as doing my part as a shareholder is to give a few suggestions. This can simply be a promotional idea or an addition of a structure. I won't place my hand in to do the heavy lifting. From what I've seen so far, the team behind the scenes is doing well. I was already impressed from the start."

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. Your words and praise do mean a lot to us. I know when everyone hears this, they will work harder to maintain this impression." General Manager Xu meant every word.

He smiled her way and signed the documents then kept his copies for safekeeping. "We would like to offer you Nanhe's Special VIP card. You will enjoy free meals from our cafes, discounts from all stores, and private parking at any branch." She slid a gold card toward him with the number four in a bold white font. It didn't take away the prestige of the card.

He nodded in approval and tucked away the card.

"I'll take my leave now. It was a pleasure to meet you, General Manager Xu." Chen Kai got to his feet and smiled her way. Xu Yushi quickly rose and gave him a respectful bow while bidding him farewell. When he left her entirely, she returned to her normal state and shuddered. It was frightening how someone's presence can change the atmosphere of an area. She can hear the cafe going back to its laid-back working style compared to the polished service when Chen Kai was present.

What a frightening young man!


"A few goodies then home."

Chen Kai made his way to the fifth floor. There was no local brand on this floor. Names he spotted online had either their flagship store here or one of many branches.

Versace. Cartier. Chanel. Louis Vuitton. Hermes. Rolex.

Those were the go-to brands. Others were the boutiques he was excited to visit. Patek Phillipe. Girard-Perregaux and Miansai. He was smiling in anticipation inwardly but on the outside, he was perfectly calm.

His first stop was Patek Phillipe.

He needed a long-lasting companion. The perfect watch.

Chen Kai preferred mechanical watches over smartwatches. Each design of watches was placed under careful consideration and was assembled with masterful precision. The added luxury of diamonds and various jewels showed the delicate craftsmanship even more. Presently, the company released new watch models and he fell in love with one of them. He was lucky to spot the only one at this boutique's flagship store.

Checking the time on his phone, he calculated his stops and then entered the store. He expected a salesperson to greet him but none came. He didn't let it bother him and made his way to the display case at the center of the store.

A beautiful smile bloomed on his face. The watch in the display deserved this special treatment. Poised on a crystal stand on a red velvet box was the new Patek Phillipe Grand Complication 6300GR. A double-faced reversible wristwatch, manual winding, perpetual calendar, minute repeater with classic gongs. The strap is handstitched alligator leather with a white/rose gold fold-over clasp. It was a work of art. The patinated dark chestnut captivated him, it was this classic input that ended his doubts in buying it. Though the watch was beautifully made, it wasn't water resistant but he didn't mind. He can buy an everyday one from the Grand Complications Collection.

"Even for a stand-in, it's still impressive," he commented.

Chen Kai moved from his admiring daze and refocused on the store. No clerk approached him. Five were serving other customers while the others moved around aimlessly. He frowned.

He made his way to the closest clerk but as he got closer, she pretended she was busy and moved away.

He smiled stiffly and took another look at the customers. As expected, they were dripping in luxury clothing and branded bags while he was dressed simply.

This was annoying.

"Must we go through this every time," he mumbled.

He made his way to another clerk but before she can go further, he spoke.

"You're not busy, nor blind. Please call your manager. Now." He placed the VIP card on the counter and stared coldly at her.

She on the other hand wanted to scold him for talking to her so harshly but her mindset miraculously changed when she saw the card.

"Certainly, sir," she chirped.

"Well, aren't you smart to recognize my existence?"

He didn't mean to be snappy but their attitudes were nasty. Not everyone likes to be flashy. Why would I go out and flash my riches in other people's faces?' he questioned inwardly.

The girl heard Chen Kai's comment and wanted to retort but he was a VIP customer. If she did anything to upset this VIP customer. She faltered in her step when she realized she already did. They all ignored him, thinking he was a pauper coming to feast his eyes on things he can never afford.

She lowered her head and rushed for the manager. The other clerks straightened their backs and stood attentively at different showcases, ready to serve him with the utmost quality.

He ignored them and returned to the main display.

The other customers saw their change in actions and then looked around for any starlet or famous CEO who may have entered the store but there was no one.

It was only Chen Kai.

A man dressed in a well-pressed suit and a young woman hugging his arm frowned at him. He looked at Chen Kai's simple shirt and plain shoes and sneered. "Hey, you! Don't get too close to the case. You will dirty it," he shouted across the store.

Chen Kai smiled and gave him a nod but didn't move from the display.

This made the man embarrassed. How dare this hoodlum ignore him? Who didn't know to listen to him? He was a successful businessman earning $3 Million yuan annually. This nobody was disrespectful.

"Young man, why are you so stubborn? One should know their place," an older gentleman commented. He snorted in disdain as he gave Chen Kai a once over.

"I agree with you, uncle," Chen Kai retorted and turned his back on the two.

"You rude brat...." the old man began to fret but a voice stopped him.

"Dear customers please resume your shopping experience. This gentleman requested to see me." The woman was considered plump, her dark hair was streaked slightly with grey and her beauty was mature to the eyes. From afar, Chen Kai can see how stiff her smile was when she placed her eyes on him. She labelled him as a nuisance. He didn't place her in his eyes either and she saw this.

His dark eyes were emotionless and his face was void of expression. When he adjusted his posture his carefee attitude changed.

The manager saw this and became nervous. That feeling wasn't long. She straightened her shoulders and came to a halt within speaking range of him. "May I see your card?"

There was no greeting. No formalities. No respect. She was Manager Wang of the Patek Phillipe Flagship store. Only the best within the staff and most recognized can fill this position. Who was she to be polite to such riff-raff?

Well, this riff-raff saw her as a simple sales clerk, not a revered manager. He didn't move to show her the card. He wasn't a spineless fool to do so. It was obvious she will scrutinze the card and call it fake. Just by seeing the number on the card, Chen Kai knew it was a rare card within the company.

Chen Kai kept his gaze on her. Manager Wang instinctively took a step back. She felt her shoulders getting heavy after being so close to this kid.

"I'm Manager Wang. How can I assist you today?"

He didn't waste any energy to scold her like he did the manager at Samsung.

"I need two models from the Grand Complications Collection. This 6300GR and a 5520P if you have it at this store."

Manager Wang blankly stared at Chen Kai then stiffly turned her head to the display case beside them. This watch came in a series design of four. The 6300GR wasn't flashy as the others which were set with diamonds and emeralds. This was designed with a sophisticated and elegant look. It screamed wealthy without add-ons.

He wants to purchase this and also another in the collection?

"S-sir, the cost of the two is not a joking matter," she commented with a trembling smile.

"The 6300GR should average around $24 Million Yuan and the 5520P should be $1.3 Million. I know. I came to this branch because you have the former." Chen Kai retrieved his bank card and offered it to her. This time he used his black card for a speedy purchase.

The woman's eyes shook. This was a black card. How can she not know of this card? Only a few customers came in with this card yet they insist on a discount. But here is this kid, calling out the prices like an everyday conversation.

A golden glitter pierced her eyes causing her to wince slightly. Looking for the source, she quickly pinpointed the beaded bracelet. Manager Wang cleared her throat and thanked Chen Kai.

She rushed behind the counter to retrieve the second watch that was mentioned and called two staff members by her side. In her mind, she was cursing herself for almost chasing away such a customer and for calling him a kid. Can a simple kid purchase a $6000 yuan bracelet and wear it so causually? Even her son begged her to purchase it. She initially refused to waste money on something he can buy from a street stall. When she looked it up, it was a pure Onyx bracelet with a gold medallion under a branded name.

Manager Wang's expession became firmer each passing second. Her staff was confused by her actions and the bustling attracted the customers.

Chen Kai walked over to her. She didn't hesitate and showed him the Platinum watch. He nodded in acceptance which pleased her. The watch debut last January but the popularity was still there due to its sleek design.

Manager Wang left one of the girls to package the watch and brought the other to the store vault.

"Manager, are you okay? Why are we going here? and Why are you being so polite to that kid? You should chase him out, he's lowering the prestige of this place." The girl commented as she checked her appearance in the mirror on the wall.

"Shut Up!! If I didn't come out when you called, we could have lost this sale."

The girl was shook. The manager never shouted at them nor paid attention to who they belittled. Why was she like this?

The girl watched on as the manager signed into the log book beside the door, entered her code on the keypad and scanned her employee card.


She followed her boss and repeated the same actions then entered the vault. Manager Wang made her way to one of the lighted shelves.

They both grabbed a velvet lined tray each and donned white cotton gloves.

Manager Wang instructed her what to do before executing her part. In a locked glass case was a two toned withe and rose gold patterned case. Inside was the watch Chen Kai wanted. She moved in delicately and placed it on the tray.

The girl returned to her side with two similar cases with a complicated look.

"Let's go."

She was quiet and obediently followed her boss. When she collected the accompanying items, she read the intricate details of the watch and the items in her hands.

It was all truly worth $24 Million, the most expensive product at their store.

That poor looking kid was buying this watch? Impossible! She had to witness this.

It took less than eight minutes to make it back to the store front due to security measures. Manager Wang went to Chen Kai's position and displayed the watch for him with flourish. She silently watched on as his cold, handsome features warmed with an adorable smile of happiness.

"Are you satisfied, sir?" she asked. A sense of accomplishment surged through her upon seeing her customer so happy.

"Definitely." He didn't touch it. This will be worn on a special ocassion.

The fanfare attracted the customers. They gasped in shock and increduilty when they saw the watch. Their comments grew louder when the Opaline cufflinks and rose gold Caltrava coss were displayed for the brat they looked down on.

"He's just pulling these ladies. I can't believe they're so naive," the man from earlier commented. Mocking laughter sounded behind Chen Kai but he didn't retort.

"I'll wear the second one to leave," he informed the manager.

"Certainly sir. Little Xiao, please assist Mr. Chen as I complete his purchase," Manager Wang said courteously.

She moved everything to a safer area and retrieved the black card from the sales cubicle. The process for such a big sale lasted ten minutes. One couldn't simply swipe and leave. Such a big customer must be registered into the company's database for future services. A VIP card is also issued. The total was over $24 Million yuan, how can they not be a VIP?!

When she returned and handed over his black card, the peanut gallery was silent. They looked at the young man who was admiring his new watch as he waited.

His packages were handed over and Manager Wang personally escorted him to the door.

"My deepest apology, Mr. Chen," she said sincerely with a bow.

Chen Kai sighed and smiled.

"The overturned cart ahead provides a warning to the cart behind.(1)"

Manager Wang nodded in agreement and watched on as he left her sight.

Who would of thought she would be given advice from someone her son's age?!

Author Note -

(1) - The overturned cart ahead provides a warning to the cart behind.

This is a Chinese Proverb with the meaning of one should learn from other's mistakes.

Chen Kai gave her subtle advice to warn her staff in not making 'that' mistake again. They can anger someone higher in power than him if they're not aware of their surroundings.