Chapter 36: Saving Uncle Ben

Law woke up, he did his daily training and after saying goodbye to both Emma and Gambit went to school.

'Ugh, school life is so boring.'

He directly went to his class where he met Gwen, Harry and MJ as they had a chat.

As Harry and MJ went to their seats, Gwen turned to me and said "You know yesterday I saw Peter swooping in Oscorp without any authorization. If it was not for me he would have been in jail."

"That reckless idiot." Law said while inwardly he thought 'Has Peter finally become spiderman? I hope he didn't help Dr. Curtis Connors, the guy is good but would eventually become a Lizard. Well, he is not my problem but spiderman's. I should focus on saving Uncle Ben.'

"Oh Law have you completed the bio project as we have to submit it today? What have you written about?" Gwen said

'Oh shit', I forgot to assimilate my Gigai's memories. I bet that lazy ass Gigai didn't tell me about this project because he knew I would make him do it. Oh well I would just submit it tomorrow.' Law thought but he didn't know what to say to Gwen as he didn't even know what the project was about.

Thankfully, Peter came to his rescue and entered the class. He was a little bulky. He had muscles which were not there before which suprised Gwen as she saw him.

"Peter did you start going to gym?" Gwen asked curiously

"Aaa.. Aah yes" Peter stuttered and went to his seat

"What's wrong with him?"Gwen asked

"Maybe he is sick, give him some time." Law said as he thought 'Looks like he has become the spiderman. Let's check some things out.'

Law used 'SCAN' on Peter body's and found signs of super strength and better regeneration speed.

'That confirms he has become spiderman. Let's see if he has spider senses and how it works. I wonder if it's something like observation haki.' Law thought as he threw a small paper ball at a fast speed at Peter who dodged it with a suprised expression and started looking for the culprit who threw the paper ball but couldn't tell who was it.

'Uhh, it was mentioned in the comics that it is like danger sense. But the paper ball is not dangerous to him. So it is much more than danger sense. I wonder if he can learn observation haki. Oh well, that's for later. I would have to save Uncle Ben. Jeez, I would have to follow him around, it's going to be boring.' Law thought before his eyes sparkeled as a sudden idea came to his mind

'I can cover 50 kilometres with my observation haki so I can just lock on both uncle Ben and Peter and focus on my research.'

With that thought he focused on the boring mathematics class.

With that two days passed, Law was currently busy training his templates as he was very close to advance in the next stage of his Trafalgar Law Template and earn the next reward.

But he suddenly stopped as he focused his attention on Uncle Ben using his observation Haki as he saw him going towards Peter's direction while Peter was near someone with a gun.

'Looks like it is happening.' Law thought as he donned on his black mask uniform and created his ROOM and teleported near the location.

He saw Peter buying groceries and having a verbal fight with the cashier. The person behind him stole the cash and Peter ignored the thief and did not try to stop him despite the cashier yelling at him to.

But Peter just smirked and let the thief run.

The thief was intercepted by Uncle Ben. The thief took out the gun and they both tried to take the gun out of each other's hand.

The gun got accidently fired as the bullet was headed towards uncle Ben's chest, it was suddenly stopped in midair by Law who appeared out of thin air suprising everyone.

Surprisingly Uncle Ben still fell down.

Law's heart suddenly skipped a beat seeing this and checked his condition but found out that he has just fainted because of the gun's sound.

'Looks like he has a weak heart. He should be fine as he is not going to a cardiac arrest.' Law thought after checking Uncle Ben's condition

He moved to knock out the thief who was surprised to see Black Mask .

Peter came running in the direction after seeing the commotion as people started recognising Black Mask.

"UNCLE BENN" Peter shouted crouching and checking crying over uncle Ben's 'still alive' body

"Don't worry kid, he is fine. He just fainted from the bullet's sound. Do you know him?" Law asked in a deep voice

"Yes, he...he is someone like my father. Thank you for saving him Sir Black Mask." Peter said while crying

"kid, I saw you not stopping the thief. I see power inside you. You could have stopped this from happening. If I was not here... He would be....." He left the words unsaid that send a chill down Peter's spine

"With great power comes great responsibility kid. Use your powers for the good of people." Law said trying not to cringe at those lines and trying not to laugh and teleported himself in a cool manner.

"Oof finally I am done with this. Now let's see if my words have the same impact as Uncle Ben's words. Anyways, I would let him handle Lizard. I have my own work to do." Law said to himself

"Don't disappoint me Peter. You would take most of my workload for protecting the city."


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