Chapter 40: Fighting the Military (1)

General P.O.V

After Gambit came, Law, Mystique and him boarded a jet which was stolen by Mystique towards their destination.

"The military base is 10 kilometres from here. Any further and we would be detected by the military. We will land here. Gambit would stay here and protect the captured mutants after Surgeon teleports them here."Mystique said

The jet landed as both Law and Mystique departed.

"Let me teleport you to the sewers. I would cause the chaos for you to rescue the captured mutants." Law said to which Mystique nodded "Be serious Surgeon. The lives of the mutants depend on you."

Law just nodded and teleported Mystique inside the sewers as he himself teleported near the army base.

He strolled towards the military base in his Surgeon costume [A/N: Kisuke Urahara's clothes with a white mask] and his cane.

The soldiers stationed there saw a lone man with a cane coming towards their secret base. They immediately became alarmed and got their weapons ready.

Soldier 1 said "Halt! Who goes there?"

But Law did not even bother to look at him and continued to walk towards the base

Soldier 1 seeing this shouted at a louder voice "This is a military facility. State your identity and put your hands in the air. You have 5 seconds before you would be shot down."

Law smirked underneath his mask gripping his cane tightly as he ignored the warning and continued to move towards the base.

The soldiers standing at the gate pointed their guns at him and without any hesitation fired their guns.

Surprisingly, No bullet hit Law as he used observation haki to dodge all the bullets.

The soldiers both on the gate and on the walls were stunned to see this. But they all knew the existence of mutants and were trained to deal with them so they easily overcame their shock and prepared to capture this mutant.

"Be careful. He is a mutant. Sound the alarm. Alert all the units. Call for backup." One of the soldiers took charge and ordered.

The soldiers continued to fire the bullets. Instead of dodging this time, Law created his ROOM and shambled himself with the soldiers on the gate one by one.

The soldiers got hit by their own bullets and fell dead.

The soldiers though did not lose their calm and started using machine guns as they didn't learn from their mistakes.

'Curtain' Law created a barrier in front of him which managed to block the bullets easily.

"My turn" said Law

Law took aim with his fingers towards the soldiers at the wall who were using the machine guns.

'Injection shot!' Law fired invisible bullets from his hands which killed them in a single headshot.

"Fucking mutant! I will kill his entire family and give him the most painful death for killing my subordinates." The leader of the base said while looking at the CCTV footage of the mutant killing his subordinates

"Did you contact General Stryker for backup? We need his mutant team for help." He asked his subordinate

"General Stryker has already dispatched his team but it would take a lot of time for him to arrive. He said to hold him till then and not to let him near Mr. Trask and protect him at all costs."

"Fine. Order the tanks and the helicopters to attack. I don't think he would be able to deal with them too. Secure Mr. Trask''s office and warn him of the danger." The general said

While this was going on, Law was dealing with the soldiers who had rushed out of the military base

With a swift motion of his hand, Law lifts several soldiers into the air and slammed them back to the ground crushing them to a bloody pulp. The soldiers screamed in agony as they fell lifelessly to the ground.

Law suddenly sensed some danger as he saw missiles heading towards him.

'I can dodge them easily by teleporting or redirecting them but it's a good chance to check my armament haki'a defensive power.' with that thought in his mind Law covered his entire body with armament haki.

The missiles slammed against the barrier and managed to destroy them as at the same time the explosion happened.

Law just opened his arms wide and with a wide smile said "Come to daddy!"

Law was blown away by the explosion of a dozen of missiles.

The soldiers cheered at this sight and high fived each other. But their victory was short lived as a cough sounded from where the explosion happened.

The soldiers were surprised to see Law without any wounds or burns from the explosion.

"Monster!" One of the soldiers said in fear as they couldn't comprehend how someone can come unscathed from a dozen missile explosions.

"Cough cough, Ah fuck. I should have thought this through." The reason Law was saying this was because although he had come unscathed, the same couldn't be said about his clothes. Thankfully his mask was made from a strong metal and was safe.

The earpiece he was using to communicate with Mystique was also safe as it was safe underneath his mask.

Mystique voice came through the earpiece

"Are you fine? I heard a large explosion coming from above."

"Don't worry about that. They were just some missiles exploding on me ." Law said nonchalantly which made Mystique dumbfounded

'Some missiles exploding on him and he says he is fine?! I call bullshit' Mystique thought

"Can I move in?" Mystique asked

Law used his observation haki and focused on where the mutants were kept. Only two soldiers were there right now.

"Yes, You can move in. Only two soldiers are guarding the mutants." Law said

"Good" Mystique said as she went towards the direction of the prison where mutants were held captive.


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