Chapter 43: Time to learn Magic

"Do we know who this is?" Stryker asked Agent Zero

"I believe he is the mercenary and doctor who goes by the name Death Surgeon or just surgeon. We tried to give him false missions to ambush him but he never accepted our missions." Zero replied

Stryker didn't reply but played the video again.

"How many powers does he even have? I have seen him use telekinesis, teleportation, firing a lightning beam and super strength." Stryker was astonished by the number of powers this one Mutant had.

"According to our information, he also has the power to cure incurable diseases." Zero told Stryker to which he just sighed and said

"He is going to be a troublesome foe for us."

"What are the chances of our team against him?" asked Stryker

"Close to 0" said Zero with a straight face

"What nonsense, I can rip him into two. Just find him for me !" growled Sabertooth angrily

"He would smash you to a pulp even before you reach him. His telekinesis is on another level." said Agent Zero

Sabertooth wanted to retort but was silenced by a glare from Stryker

"Damn it! Damn it all!" Stryker roared angrily in the air since he not only lost the devices that could identify the mutants from the normal folks but also a scientist who could make him weapons that could deal with the Mutants.

He didn't care about the soldiers who lost their lives. He just wanted to find this Surgeon guy and make him do his bidding.

Stryker couldn't help but think if he could recruit a guy with such powers he would be unstoppable.

He ordered his team to find every information about this mutant and report back to him.

----Scene Change---

--Law's mansion--

Law was currently looking at the sentinel designs. He realised that if he wanted to create a perfect artificial human (Gigai), he first had to create the sentinels. Not like the movie Sentinels but something even better and more powerful.

'Hmm, they are not bad. But they are just like normal advanced robots with a lot of weapons. Nothing unique except for one thing. The energy core of the Sentinels.' Law thought to himself.

He always wondered how the Sentinels got the power or energy to run as unlike the iron man Armor there was no reactor or anything like that.

Turns out, they have energy circuits spread throughout their body. It means that to defeat or destroy the sentinel one has to destroy its entire body thus destroying its energy circuit.

This method came with disadvantages. The main disadvantage was that the robot had to be charged for a very long time after each subsequent usage.

Law didn't really like this method and was thinking about other methods to power the sentinels. After not getting a solution, he decided to find a solution for it later.

He thought about all things that were required to make the Sentinel and came to the conclusion that he needed Vibranium, adamantium, several different weapons from energy cannons to missiles and two mutant dnas.

The metal he wanted most was Antartic Vibranium otherwise known as Anti- metal if it's in this universe which emanates vibrations which cause the atomic and molecular bonds in nearby metals of other kinds to weaken, which results in the liquefaction of nearby solid metals.

Most of the things made of metal would be useless against this.

The two mutant DNA that were most important to him for creating Sentinels were of Mystique and Rogue.

Due to being based off Mystique's DNA, the Sentinels of 2023 were capable of altering their appearance for both offensive and defense purposes. As such, they were able to morph their arms into stabbing weapons.

He could make the sentinels do much more than that by making Sentinels with nanotech and for that he would need to visit Wakanda and get some knowledge about it.

He wanted the Sentinels to be like Blue Beetle armor which also has the power to transform into a wide variety of weapons, including an energy plasma blaster arm, as well as blades, shields, claws, grappling hooks, energy cannons, and much more.

It would also give the Sentinel the ability to self heal at a much larger scale than their movie versions. They would technically be near immortal.

The second Mutant DNA he needed was of Rogue.

Due to being based off Rogue's DNA, the Sentinels of 2023 were able to absorb the powers of the mutants they faced in combat. As an example of this, one Sentinel was able to copy Colossus' ability to morph himself into organic steel while gripping his arm.

This was the most terrifying ability of the Sentinels. But he wanted the ability that the Sentinels take to be permanent and not for some specific time.

He was already thinking about how he could do it. But first he needed Rogue's dna but he had no idea where she was.

He then thought about what all enemies can get rid of the Sentinels easily and to get counter measures for such people.

The first on the list was Magneto which can control the metal and the second on the list was Ultron which could hack and control all technology. There might be other people/ mutants with such power so he thought what he could do to prevent all this.

He thought about all the movies, shows he had seen and thought about the various things that could help him in this situation.

In the end, He came to a conclusion to improve the Sentinels even further and to protect them from the above people, he needed to learn magic and runes.

He came to this conclusion after recalling Destroyer which protects Asgard's treasury.

It was time for him to you Kamar Taj and meet the Ancient one and learn some Magic.


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