Chapter 64: Sentinels In Action

"Power rangers? Don't be stupid. We are the Strawhat pirates." Law looked at Bobby as if he was an idiot.

After the X men recovered from the awkward entrance of the so called 'Straw hat pirates', they inspected them.

"Are they robots?" Charles asked after checking whether he can read their minds or not.

"Yup, they are my first creations. Impressive right?" Law said with a proud voice.

"What can they do?" Hank asked curiously to which Law just smirked and said "You will get to see that after we attack Stryker."

"Now tell me the coordinates to Stryker's base. I will open a portal there." Law said

Hank gave him the coordinates as Law created a portal which led them inside Strker's base.

The facility was in Three Mile Island.

It was a nuclear power plant located in the Susquehanna River, south of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The nuclear power plant was shut down though and no longer operated.

Both the Adult X men team and the junior X men team joined in except for Hank who looked after the school.

The people who were monitoring the base from the security cameras immediately noticed several people appearing out of nowhere. They pressed the alarm as they alerted everyone where the intruders were and told the soldiers that the intruders possibly had mutant powers of teleportation.

The six sentinels steeped out of the portal last. They tied the strawhats at the back of their hats to prevent them from being damaged.

They were already surrounded by several armed man.

"On your knees with hands on your back! We will shoot in ten seconds if you don't follow orders." One of the soldiers shouted

"Show them what you got my babies" Law said as the sentinels started flying.

Their hands turned into machine guns as they started firing bullets.

All these soldiers were brainwashed by Stryker and had assisted him in killing not only mutants but also several civilians so there was no room for mercy.

Charles though felt different but he knew that he could not order Law. He tried to locate the mutants captured.

"There are 12 of them captured in a prison cell underground. There are eighteen mutants heading our way. They are Stryker's men." Charles said

'18 mutants in Stryker's team? Damn, he managed to recruit much more 6 or 7 that he had in the movies. Maybe my interference must have scared him making him recruit more mutants.' Law mused

"Do you want to incapacitate some of them with my powers?" Charles asked

"No, let my babies have some fun. As for the mutants captured, you don't have to worry about them. I can teleport them near us anytime I want. But they would be more safer in their prison cells right now. Now just watch the show." Law said

The number of soldiers kept increasing. Some of the sentinels have transformed their hands to different weapons like energy blades or a flamethrower or a cold gun.

----Scene Change,---

Stryker was watching the intruders barging inside his research facility from the safety of his room.

He saw the intuders coming from a portal.

'A teleportation ability just like John on a larger scale?' Stryker thought

He clearly recognised three of the people that came. The first one was Logan, Sabertooth's brother as well as someone who hates Stryker a lot for manipulating him.

He knew the person next to Logan was Charles Xavier. The man who manages a school full of mutant children. He had tried to find about this school but found no lead so he gave up.

The last person that he knew was the one who wore the mask. The man who calls himself death Surgeon and is a renowed doctor and a mercenary.

The one responsible for killing one of his main scientists Bolivar Trask.

But when he saw what came next from the portal his eyes widened.

"SENTINELS?" He was shocked

He could clearly tell that the robots that came matched the design made by Trask infact they looked even more perfect than the designs.

When he saw them in action, transforming their body into different weapons. Some even using mutant powers, he was excited.

This was what he wanted when he started project Sentinel but the scientist responsible for it died.

"I need to get my hands on one of them to build my own army." Stryker muttered

If Law heard it, he would have laughed on Styker's face as there was no way to make sentinels as good as him. The person that might be able to replicate his sentinels to a certain extent was Tony Stark with his armors. But Tony would also have problem gathering vibranium and other materials like magical runes, a soul to put in the sentinels and a core that has infinite energy and gives sentinels superpowers.

----,Scene end---

As the first two no names mutants came, they were smashed by the juggernaut sentinel.

He picked them up and smashed them into the ground once again. Law was pretty sure that they would not wake up.

Agent Zero, Strykers right hand man aimed a bullet right at Law's head who knew that the bullet was coming thanks to his observation haki.

The 'conquest' Sentinel engaged him with different weapons forming in his hands from spears to guns.

The juggernaut sentinel was engaged in a battle with a huge obese mutant named Blob. Blob was effectively being used as a punching bag by the sentinel.

Sabertooth who just arrived and was about to have a battle with his brother Wolverine had to engage in a battle with Carnivore sentinel who had claws of its own.

The bedlam mutant used its mental control powers to deal with other mutants.

The Inferno, Decay and Tempest sentinels did not use their powers as they would have caused too much damage. They just continued to use their transformation ability.

Law did not want much damage to be caused here as he was thinking about buying this island with the help of Emma's company.


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