Chapter 62: Brain Surgery

Law got ready for his mission with the X-men team.

He decided to give an epic entry to his six Sentinels later. So he did not bring him with him now.

He thought about giving them the name 'knights of justice' or something like that but that was too boring.

He then thought about giving the name 'Heart Pirates' as an acknowledgment for Trafalgar Law whose power he has.

But he liked the name 'StrawHats pirates' more. Thus, he settled for it. He brought strawhats and cloaks as he put them on the sentinels.

Law created a teleportation hole to Charles mansion which was also called the school for the gifted. He stepped through the portal.

He appeared in the middle of the hallway of the mansion. There were not as many mutants in the mansion as in the comics or the movies since the number of overall mutants in the world was very very less.

But still there were quite a few who witnessed Law appearing out of a portal.

Some looked with interest and curiosity as a man came out of nowhere. Some were ready to battle the man using their powers. Some were shouting enemy attack or intruder.

"Greetings, my fellow mutants! The professor tells me you've got a top-secret, ultra-important mission for yours truly. Let's make this one a blockbuster!" Law said

"Who are you?" A man asked with steel claws coming out of his hand

"Damn dude you got some muscles there. But you should trim some of that chest hair. You dont want people to treat you as a beast with that much body hair and clothes. I am the one and only, the greates mercenary and doctor to ever exist. The DEATH SURGEON" Law said to the man he thought was wolverine with some theatrics as some graffiti poured over everyone when he annouced his name.

"Speaking of beast, Hey there fuzzy blue buddy!" Law said as he looked at Hank

"Hello surgeon. Would you plesase follow me to a more private area? Logan, you can come too." Hank said

Law and Logan followed Hank. Logan watched Law carefully. His guard was up as he still had his claws out.

Logan's instincts were telling him that this man with a cane in his hands was very dangerous.

They walked inside a room where Charles was waiting for them with a bunch of teenagers.

"Hey Charles, my precious customer. How are your legs? Have you lost some hair? You arw already turning bald." Law said

"My legs are working quite good thanks to you. Working for the future of the mutants comes with its stress Law which unfortunately my hair have to bear." Charles said smiling

"Let me introduce you to everyone in this room as they are all part of the X-Men team that i have put together."

"You already know Hank. The big man with the claws is Logan. He recently joined us. He had a lot of fuzzy memories which I helped recover. I found out the location where Trask keeps the mutants and does his experiments thanks to his memories."

"Trask has also done an experiment on Logan here. The steel claws are a result of that."

Before Charles could continue,

"Let me help this guy bring back all of his memories." Law said looking at Logan

Logan suddenly felt a bad premonition but before he could act on it, Law cut his head with a slice of his cane.

The X men were suprised by this as one of them removed his glasses as he fired a red optic blast.

"You bastarddd!" The teen with the glasses said

Law without any hesitation used Logan's 'semi immortal' body as a shield.

"Stop it Scott" Charles said

"But he killed Logan..." Scott Summers was confused by Charles who asked him to stop

*What have you done to me?" Logan or rather his head said grunting as Law played with it for a little.

"How can the head talk?" The mutants who have not seen Law before and did not about his abilities thought shocked

"It's one of his mutant ability. He even healed my legs when i could not walk by cutting them off." Charles said

"What do you mean by one of his abilities? How many abilities does he have?" Kitty Pryde asked

"Now now, please be quiet as i am about tp perform a brain surgery." Law said as cut open Logan's brain.

He took out the adamantine bullet stuck inside. Then, he put the brain back into the head. The brain started healing on its own thanks to Wolverine's healing ability.

Logan starts getting his fuzzy memories back as Law put the head back on Logan's body.

"Surgery Successful" Law said as everyone was in double mind whether to be happy that Logan would have his memories back or to br creeped out by what Law just did.

"I hope i would be paid for this too charles." Law said

"Uh but i did not ask you to do it. I asked you to come here for another mission. I thought you did it for free." Charles said feeling his bank balance threatened.

"Is that so? I can always put the bullet back in his head ya know." Law said with a creepy smile underneath his mask

"I would pay! i would pay!" Charles agreed knowing that he fell for Law's trap. He directly healed Logan without asking anyone. Now he had to pay or his reputation with the mutant students would go down.


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