Chapter 77: Law Vs Apocalypse (2)

"Scattered beast bones! Spire, Crimson Crystal, Steel Wheels! The wind if it moves, the sky if it stops, the tone of the spear striking fills the lone castle! Hado #63: Raikouhou!"

He gathered yellow lightning at his fingertips, then fired it off as a bolt that enveloped Apocalypse entirely in lightning.

The bolt was not some two-meter bolt in fact it was as wide as an entire building while it was as big as a skyscraper.

Law had used a considerable amount of reaitsu in using that spell.

'If I could use those 80+ hados like Aizen, this battle would have been long over.' Law unhappily thought as he wanted to badly use those badass top-tier spells.

Since not all spells were mentioned in the anime and manga, he also wanted to discover those new ones that were not used in the anime.

The lightning devoured Apocalypse completely as the sky turned Yellow.

Gambit and Emma who watched the fight were enamored by the fight. Charles was besides them but was unconscious because of the mental torture that he had endured when Apocalypse tried to take control of his mind.

"It looks like boss finally found an enemy that can match him," Gambit remarked.

"Nah, That guy is no match for my little brother. But I wonder if brother would start teaching me some real magic soon. I want to fire lightning bolts too. And that portal thingy would be quite helpful too. Imagine how much time it can save me to travel to work. I can also set up worldwide businesses and travel immediately there. Do you know how many opportunities are there for our company worldwide?" Emma exclaimed thinking about the different businesses that she could set up simultaneously in different parts of the world with the help of teleportation magic.

"Look the smoke is clearing up and that guy seems to have survived the lightning. Well, he seems to be pretty ruffed up." Gambit pointed at Apocalypse's direction.

Apocalypse had half of his face burned which was the only part of his body that was not covered by the armor. Even one of his eyes had been burned up completely.

The rest of his body seemed to be fine.

But for the first time in the fight, Apocalypse was screeching in pain.


"You might have an immortal body but your soul is still mortal. I am quite lucky since I have a specialization in dealing with soul-related things and unlucky for you, I am quite good at what I do." Law said knowing why Apocalypse was in so much pain despite being Immortal and not feeling pain for ages.

Reaitsu was special because it's literally soul energy and thus has the property to harm souls and cause what one would call soul pain.

Of course, if all of Law's attacks start attacking souls, most of his enemies would perish. Not only they would be dead but their soul would also be destroyed. This would mean that they won't be able to reincarnate.

Law was pretty sure that if he started eradicating souls like that then two cosmic entities would surely pay him a visit. Those two cosmic entities being Lady Death and Phoneix.

'Yeah, no way I am doing that. Those two would eradicate me with just a blink.' Law shivered at the thought of those two.

The only reason that Apocalypse had not died from the spell was because his soul was very strong and resilient.

'His mutant gene is connected to his soul somehow, making it a lot stronger than a normal soul. So is this how he changes bodies and absorbs other mutants' power?' Law's eyes shined as he now had a new thing to research upon.

Law wanted to finish Apocalypse but before he could do so the blue barrier made its appearance again.

'You got to be kidding me. This barrier is quite a persistent one. I am surely getting that armor from him first. But I have to fizzle out that barrier again.' Suddenly a thought occurred to him as he chided himself for being so stupid.



Law shambled himself with some debris that was inside the barrier created by Apocalypse's armor.

Apocalypse who had somehow managed to recover from the soul pain noticed Law right in front of him despite there still being a barrier. But he could not do anything since he was still pinned by the three light arrows that Law had formed using the Bakudo spell.

"Youuuuu....." Apocalypse tried to look from one of his eyes around while the other one was completely burned off.

"Are you looking for your mutant force?" Law asked and even before Apocalypse could reply, he answered the question himself looking at Magneto fighting four sentinels at once. He was the only mutant who was still not dead or incapacitated.

"Most of your mutant army has been killed or has been subdued. Only one of your horsemen is still fighting, but don't worry he would follow you soon enough. You know Magneto might be one of your great great great grandchild. You and him share somewhat the same views. Heck, You would not have to put him in a mind control and just tried to bond with him. He would have willingly joined you in your cause."

"Oh....Look at me blabbing. You must be tired of wearing such a heavy armor. Let me remove it for you. Uh...That sounds gay." Law mused as he started to rip up the armor from Apocalypse.



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