Chapter 82: Aftermath (3)

"What do you mean by that they are dead?" Mystique asked Law in pure shock. She could not believe that so many of the Brotherhood mutants died.

'There is no way, Erik would die just like that.'

She could not believe that Erik died. No, rather she did not want to believe that he died.

"Oh, you know, the whole 'stopped breathing, heart not beating' kind of dead. It's like taking a really long nap but with no alarm clock." Law like usual gave a snark remark to lighten the mood. He was never good at giving bad news to people so he decided to lighten the mood with his jokes. Law always thought of himself as a great stand-up comedian but clearly, the others could not appreciate his dark sense of humor as they glared at him for making a joke about someone's death. But Law being Law did not understand their gesture.

"How can Magneto die? He was the strongest mutant that I have seen. He was stronger than Professor and the last time Logan and Magneto battled, he tossed Logan up and down like it was nothing. You're telling me he is actually dead? Like, permanently dead? Not just 'comic book dead'?" Bobby aka Iceman asked with shock on his face.

Law with a twinkle in his eye, quipped, "Hey, even in comics, some deaths stick... for a while. But don't worry, I hear the afterlife is pretty lively. Maybe they're having a blast without us!"

Despite Law's snarky words, everyone understood that they were really dead.

All the X-men present also felt shocked at the news but they did not feel much sadness towards the death of the mutants of the brotherhood. While they were all mutants, they shared different beliefs. It was like two religions with the same goals but with different ideologies and principles.

Law could tell that most of the x men were relieved to hear that Magneto had died. During the last five years, both groups have come into conflict with each other. Law did not interfere in their matters as long as they stayed out of his city and path. Nonetheless, the brotherhood had managed to kill some of the mutants that were already in X men or did not want to join them which rubbed the X men the wrong way.

But the same could not be said about Raven aka Mystique. She did not know how to feel about Erik's death. He was the first one to acknowledge her mutant appearance and made her understand that she should acknowledge her mutant side too.

He was the one who gave her a path. A path for mutants to live without any fear of humans. A path to save mutants from humans that harm them for their own benefits and also to bring them to justice.

Erik gave her a place to call home. But he started changing as of late. His motives and goals started changing which she did not like and agreed with. What was she to do with him dead? She felt lost with no path to walk upon.

"Can you tell me, how he died?" Mystique asked with sorrow in her voice.

Law gave it a thought before answering "Let's wait for Charles to wake up. I bet he would also want to know about his friend."

Charles woke up after an hour. Meanwhile, Law played some games with the mutant kids in the mansion as the adults looked at him weirdly and somewhat scared of his retaliation if they angered him.

Charles groggily woke up as he looked around his surroundings in alarm. Law had Emma delete some of his memories that might make Law's story of how Magneto died false. His mind defenses were pretty weak after the mind battle between him and Apocalypse which made it easy for Emma.

"Hank, is this you? Forgive me but my head hurts." Charles said as Hank checked up on him.

"Yes, How are you feeling Charles? What is the last thing that you remember?" Hanks asked as shouts of 'Professor' echoed in the background.

"My mind defenses are in shambles. The last thing I remember was getting kidnapped by some god of mutants who tried to take control of my mind. He was too strong, Hank, he broke my defenses easily. Am I still under a mind control? I can't believe that I have escaped that Monster." Charles said with a little fear in his voice.

Hank tried to calm him down and explained to him that the surgeon brought him here and when Charles asked about his old friend Erik, Hank told him what Law had told him told now.

"WHAT? Erik is dead? There is no way. Let me use Cerebro and find him. He must be alive." Charles said as he tried to run towards Cerebro but fell as he was still too mentally weak to waste energy on running.

Hank and Logan tried to calm him down realizing that the mental attack from Apocalypse had made Charles lose his rational side.

Mystique hugged him as they both exchanged sorrowful words.

Law faked some crying too "What a touchy scene!"


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