Chapter 94: Ambush

---Peter Parker P.O.V---

Spider-Man aka Peter Parker swung through the city, enjoying the cool night air. "Ah, nothing like a relaxing patrol to end the day," he mused. "Maybe I'll even get home in time to have some dinner with Uncle Ben and Aunt May!"

Suddenly, his spider-sense tingled. He barely had time to react before a mechanical arm came crashing towards him.

"Whoa there, Doc Ock!" Spidey exclaimed, narrowly dodging the attack. "I know you're excited to see me, but keep your hands to yourself!"

Doctor Octopus sneered. "Your quips won't save you this time, arachnid!"

"Aw, come on," Spider-Man retorted, "You know my quips are at least 40% of my charm!"

If someone would have seen Spiderman joking while fighting his enemies, they would immediately see his resemblance to Death Surgeon and Deadpool but you might ask that he has not met either of them so how did he get influenced by their personalities?

Well, He might not have met Death Surgeon but he has met the man underneath the mask, Trafalgar Law. The one who has saved him from Flash and his cronies on his first day to school who also now happened to be his best friend. Law was as sarcastic and in his own words "funny" when he was outside of his mask.

Before Spiderman could continue, a blast of electricity surged past him. Electro emerged from the shadows, crackling with energy.

"Hey Sparky!" Spidey called out. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with electricity?"

Electro growled. "I'll fry you like a bug, web-head!"

"Technically, spiders are arachnids, not bugs," Spider-Man corrected, dodging another electrical blast. "But I appreciate the effort!"

A familiar green mist began to swirl around him. "Oh great," Spidey groaned. "Mysterio's here too? What is this, a villain convention?"

Mysterio's booming voice echoed through the mist. "Prepare to face your deepest fears, Spider-Man!"

"My deepest fear is running out of web fluid mid-swing," Spidey quipped. "Or maybe it's disappointing Aunt May. Or getting punched on my face by my best friend. He hits hard. It's a toss-up, really." Peter replied

Suddenly, a massive gray form charged through the mist. Spider-Man barely managed to leap out of Rhino's path.

"Rhino!" Spidey exclaimed. "I didn't recognize you without your horn up my... never mind."

"I'm gonna crush you, bug!" Rhino bellowed.

"Again with the bug thing," Spider-Man sighed. "We really need to work on your entomology."

A rush of wind alerted him to another threat. The Vulture swooped down, talons extended.

"Vulture!" Spidey called out. "How's retirement treating you? Oh wait, you're still doing this."

"I'll pluck you from the sky, Spider-Man!" Vulture screeched.

"Geez, tough crowd tonight," Spider-Man muttered, narrowly avoiding Vulture's grasp.

As if things couldn't get worse, the ground beneath him began to shift. Sandman rose up, his grainy form towering over the web-slinger.

"Sandman! Buddy!" Spider-Man greeted him. "Long time no see. How's the beach life treating you?"

"Time to bury you, Spider-Man," Sandman growled, his fists morphing into giant hammers.

Spider-Man's mind raced as he dodged attacks from all sides. "Okay, let's see. We've got Doc Ock, Electro, Mysterio, Rhino, Vulture, and Sandman. That's... one, two, three... six! Aw man, you guys formed a Sinister Six without me? I'm hurt!"

He continued to quip and dodge, but the relentless assault was taking its toll. A glancing blow from Rhino sent him crashing into a nearby building.

"Oof," Spider-Man groaned. "I think I left a Spider-Man-shaped dent in that wall. The landlord's gonna be pissed."

As the six villains closed in, Peter knew he was in serious danger despite his quirky comments throughout the fight. It was his way to cope with superhero stuff or vigilante stuff.

'Ugh, Who would have thought that most of my nemesis would team up together? I need to run away somehow. They would not be terrorizing people anyways. They don't want to be hunted down by Black Mask afterall.' Peter thought as he spotted a nearby water tower. An idea formed in his head.

"Hey Sandman!" he called out. "You look a little dry. How about a drink?"

With a well-placed web shot, he punctured the water tower. The resulting flood disoriented Sandman and short-circuited Electro, giving Spidey the opening he needed.

"Sorry to bail on our little reunion," Spider-Man quipped as he swung away. "But I just remembered I left the oven on. Rain check?"

He could see vulture pursuing him but a few turns into darkness and he lost him. Peter winced as he felt the pain in his ribs from the earlier fight.

He could hear the villains' angry shouts fading as he made his escape, his heart pounding and his body aching.

"Great job, Parker," he muttered to himself. "Another flawless victory. If by 'flawless' you mean 'barely escaped with your life.'"

As he swung home, nursing his injuries, Peter knew that the six of them would keep on hunting him and if they get to know his identity, his close ones would be in danger too. He needed help. But who could he possibly turn to?


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