Chapter 102: Trip to Asgard

Law stretched lazily on his plush leather couch, idly twirling a scalpel between his fingers. The private island's tranquility was starting to grate on his nerves. He needed action and excitement.

'I have not have some good fight in a while. Training my templates is getting boring. I don't even have anyone right now that is even close to beating me in a one on one fight ignoring all the cosmic entities.'

"Ugh, I'm so bored I might actually start enjoying rom-coms," he groaned dramatically.

Emma Frost, lounging nearby, rolled her eyes. "Why don't you go terrorize some supervillains or some magician or teleport to some world and terrorize them, little brother?"

Law paused, a mischievous glint in his eye. "That's an excellent idea."

Springing to his feet with all the energy of a caffeinated squirrel, Law declared, "I've got it! We're going on a field trip, my dear disciples!"

Pietro, who had been zipping around the room at super-speed out of sheer boredom, skidded to a halt. "Please tell me it's not another 'educational' visit to Xavier's School. Last time, you convinced half the students that mutation was caused by excessive consumption of lima beans."

Pietro said refering to the time when he decided to take the brother sister duo of mutants to meet other mutants in the Xavier's school without any permission. Well not that anyone could stop him anyways.

Law clutched his chest in mock offense. "I was merely expanding their culinary horizons! Besides, that's old hat now. No, my dear speed demon, we're aiming higher. Much higher." He paused for dramatic effect. "We're going to Asgard!"

Wanda, who had been quietly reading in the corner, looked up with a mix of intrigue and concern. "Asgard? As in, the realm of Norse gods? Are you sure that's wise if that place is even real?"

"Wise? Probably not. Fun? Absolutely!" Law grinned maniacally.

Pietro groaned. "This is going to end badly, isn't it?"

"Nonsense!" Law waved dismissively. "What's the worst that could happen? We accidentally start Ragnarok? Please, I do that before breakfast on Tuesdays."

No one knew what he meant but they all could guess that Ragnarok was something terrible.

Despite their protests and Wanda's logical arguments about interdimensional travel protocols, Law was not to be deterred. With a flourish of his hands and a muttered incantation that sounded suspiciously like "Bippity boppity Bifrost," a swirling portal of yellow energy materialized in the middle of the room.

"All aboard the Law Express!" he shouted, grabbing Wanda and Pietro by their collars. "Next stop: Viking Valhalla!"

"Wait, shouldn't we at least pack some—" Wanda's sensible suggestion was cut short as Law unceremoniously shoved them through the portal.

"Clothes are for mortals!" Law cackled, leaping in after them. "We're going full commando on this cosmic road trip!"

As the trio hurtled through the dazzling array of colors, Law couldn't help but quip, "You know, this is giving me some serious 'Willy Wonka's acid trip' vibes. Think we'll find any Oompa Loompas on the other side?"

Before either Maximoff sibling could retort, they tumbled out onto a gleaming rainbow bridge stretching across an impossible expanse of star-studded space.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Asgard!" Law announced, striking a pose. "Please keep your hands and feet inside the realm at all times, and remember: what happens in the home of the gods, stays in the home of the gods. Unless it's on Instagram, in which case, tag me!"

Wanda and Pietro stood slack-jawed, taking in the breathtaking vista of the golden city before them. Towering spires reached into the cosmos, while flying longships soared between them.

"Okay," Pietro admitted grudgingly, "this is pretty cool."

Law grinned triumphantly. "See? And you doubted the wisdom of following a dimension-hopping mercenary on an impromptu trip to a mythical realm. For shame!"

As they marveled at their surroundings, none of them noticed the imposing figure standing at the far end of the bridge. Heimdall, the all-seeing guardian of Asgard, had been jolted from his eternal vigilance by their arrival.

For the first time in eons, Heimdall's golden eyes widened in genuine surprise. His grip tightened on his mighty sword, Hofund, as he struggled to process what his all-seeing gaze was telling him.

"By Odin's missing eye," he muttered, "what manner of chaos has just breached our defenses?"

Heimdall's legendary perception, capable of detecting a leaf falling on any of the Nine Realms, was suddenly overwhelmed by the contradictory nature of the being before him. Law's very existence seemed to be a cosmic joke, a patchwork of realities and powers that should not coexist.

"Hail, oh gilded gatekeeper!" Law called out, sauntering towards Heimdall with all the concern of a tourist approaching a living statue. "Love what you've done with the place. Very 'space Viking chic.' Tell me, do you do interior design consultations?"

Heimdall's usual stoic demeanor cracked slightly. "You... how did you breach the defenses of Asgard? Who are you?"

Law gasped dramatically. "Who am I? Who. Am. I?" He turned to Wanda and Pietro. "Can you believe this guy? I come all this way, and he doesn't even know who I am. I'm hurt. Wounded, even. I might need to file a complaint with the Asgardian Tourism Board."

Recovering quickly, Heimdall's eyes narrowed. "I see... everything. Yet you, strange one, are a void in my sight. A jumble of possibilities and impossibilities."

"Aw, shucks," Law grinned, "you're making me blush. But if you must know, I'm the Death Surgeon, the Ope Ope no Mi maestro, the Shinigami sensation, the best mercenary in all of multiverse!" He paused for effect. "But you can call me Law. All my interdimensional friends do."

Heimdall's grip on his sword tightened. "You bring great risk to Asgard with your presence, Death Surgeon. I cannot allow—"

"Now, now," Law interrupted, wagging a finger, "let's not be hasty with the whole 'smiting' business. I'll have you know I'm on excellent terms with the strongest god there is, well he might be the one to have created all gods." Law said refering to One Above All.

As Heimdall struggled to formulate a response to this unprecedented situation, Law turned to his companions. "See, kids? This is why you always make an entrance. Now, who's up for finding Thor and challenging him to a drinking contest?"

Wanda pinched the bridge of her nose. "Law, maybe we should—"

But Law was already halfway down the rainbow bridge, shouting, "Last one to the mead hall has to arm-wrestle Volstagg!"

As Pietro zipped after him and Wanda floated along with a resigned sigh, Heimdall stood rooted to the spot, his all-seeing eyes for once unsure of what they were witnessing.

"Odin help us all," he murmured, watching the chaos unfold before him. "The Norns must be laughing themselves silly right now."


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