The L-Series

"How many are in this series?" asked Vraev'ox as he entered into the fighter craft. Since every Sisalik ship in this galaxy had passed inspection, it was time to investigate someplace else. And if there was a place that held more than one of these L-Series ships, then that would be a good place to start.

"There are 11 ships," replied Ye'tab as he disengaged his cloaking device right beside the other male. Vraev'ox turned to look at him and nodded his head.

"11 ships seems like an unusual number," said Au'dtair. There was a pause before Au'dtair continued. "I have a record of 10 of them, but not an 11th one."

"My information specifically states 11," responded Ye'tab, not really caring one way or another about Au'dtair's statement. "And 10 of them are all in the same galaxy."

"And you said that all 11 of them are freed?" confirmed Vraev'ox looking at the male beside him.