Coming Out of the Woodwork

I woke up slowly, not wanting to open my eyes just in case this was all a dream and I was still outside in the winter wastelands of the ice planet. Right now, I was warm, comfortable, and with the steady heartbeat of someone under my ear.


I was much too happy right now to want to wake up.


"If you don't wake up, how can we feed you?" The voice was low and deep, vibrating the chest I was clearly using as a pillow. I groaned and rolled over, taking all of the blankets with me so that I could wrap myself up in my cocoon again.


The growling voice chuckled, and I could feel the body it belonged to roll over with me, bringing me into its arms.


Letting out a giant yawn that caused my jaw to crack, I snuggled into the embrace. "It's too early to eat, Midnight. Let me sleep for a while longer."