Do You Trust Her With Your Life?

Ye'tab crouched down in order to be able to hear Mei Xing better, only to find a necklace being put around his neck with a shining blue crystal pendant on it. It was flat and rectangular, almost like it was one of the main memory components of a ship, but that was impossible. They were so common that no one would make a necklace out like that. This was probably just for good luck or something.

"I am going to be everyone's main focus," she continued, still whispering, her lips brushing his helmet ever so often. He wanted to take it off to be able to feel her lips on his skin, but he knew that that would distract him too much.

"I need you to go plug this into any port that it will fit."

"Is that it?" he asked, just as softly. He had no idea why she was whispering like there was a threat around the corned. They were on her ship; who could she be so worried about overhearing?