Back Against The Wall



Midnight yanked me away just as the Sisalik guard pulled the trigger. I turned my head to look at the hole in the opposite wall as GA grabbed the blaster away from the guard and flung it toward Midnight.


My wolf plucked the blaster out of mid-air and turned it back toward the guard as he pulled the trigger.


The body dropped to the floor, a bloody stump at the top of its neck showing very clearly the cause of death. 


"Did I forget to mention that a few of the higher-ranking lizards have their own PBD?" asked Jun Li, his voice echoing through the hallways.


"Must have slipped your mind," growled Midnight, clearly not impressed with Jun Li's oversite.


"It's not that big of a deal," muttered the AI, not realizing how unimpressed my two males were.


"Not that big of a deal?" growled GA, slowly turning his body so that he was looking at the camera inside the medical room.