The Cost of Being A Lesser Species

I stared at the body on the table, marveling over the strength that she must have in order to be able to survive all of that. I knew from experience that they didn't exactly do anything to numb the pain as they took stuff out of you.


"You know you are going to die, right?" I asked with a sigh, turning my attention back to the Sisalik scientist, who looked like he was fractions away from wetting himself. His attention jumped from me back to the males behind me. Midnight was standing in the door frame, his arms crossed against his massive chest. However, GA and Da'kea were inside the room on either side of me.


Ye'tab remained invisible, but I assumed that he had a reason for that as well.


"Why should I die?" stuttered the lizard, a stunned look on his face. "What have I done to deserve death?"


I raised my eyebrow at his question and looked down at the table beside him.