It's Your Death

I looked at the male, trying to understand what he was saying. What assassin?


Jun Li let out a very put-out sigh that caused me to laugh. "He thinks you are injured because he can smell blood, and you are obviously in pain. I just wanted to ask what your next move was," said the AI.


"Clearly, the video is fake, but it can be used to our advantage," I said with a slight groan as another cramp hit. I knew I wanted to use the video, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out how at the moment. "I can't do this right now," I grumbled as I shot out of bed and into the bathroom as the cries of alarm could be heard from the guys.


I slammed my hand over the keypad, effectively locking everyone out while I lay down on the cold floor of the bathroom.


I knew that there were a hundred things that I needed to concentrate on, but until this pain had passed, I was completely helpless.