The Least Of Your Worries

Vraev'ox paused for a moment, his mind carefully analyzing the possibilities of such a situation. He had always felt that the haunted ship was nothing more than a hallucination or a made-up story meant to keep people away from scavenging empty ships for their own benefit.

However, he has yet to see anyone besides the three Saalistaja in front of him. That, combined with the fact that he and his hunt mates couldn't seem to remember anything after getting on board, made him wonder if the stories weren't based more on fact than fiction.

"I never got your name, Elder," said Vraev'ox smoothly, pressing down his concern. As long as they kept their armor on, nothing should be able to impact them. However, the other three should have done the same… so can this parasite manage to get through the Saalistaja nano armor?