Easter Egg Hunt From Hell

I had this image in my head of me charging through the launch bay doors, guns blazing, as I promised death to all. But then I remembered that I was smarter than that.

Instead, after giving Da'kea one last glare, I went back to my spot and stood there, waiting. I was not so insecure in my position that I felt the need to push ahead of the guy who knew what he was doing. I didn't need to prove that I was a badass, and, in this case, I knew I wasn't. I had never fought one of these Istars before, and something told me that it would be a lot harder than killing a human or a little green man.

Not to mention, if I left my assigned spot, my men would be more worried about my safety than they were their own, and that would lead to casualties, something that I was not willing to chance.

They wanted me in the middle, and so I would stay in the middle.