A Strategic Retreat

The four Saalistaja males braced themselves as the Istar creatures across from them sniffed the air. Surprisingly, they didn't attack the males. Instead, they turned around to the fourteen smaller bunnies. As if sensing danger, the young Istars darted away, but they were too slow in comparison to the newly created queens.

There was a squeal of fear as one of the bunnies was captured, the dagger-like claws of the queen piercing its tender skin. Its front and rear legs continued to pump, even as blood was pouring out of its wounds.

Opening her mouth, the queen simply dropped the bunny inside of it, quickly cutting off its protests. One big gulp and the Istar monster was looking around for a second tasty morsel.

"I have never been one to run away from an enemy," said Tha'juen as he slowly started to back up. "But I do believe in strategic retreats."