Dealing With Different Situations

I watched as a bright blue beam of light shot down out of the sky and hit the skyscraper that was once the Alliance headquarters.

Standing off to the side with Da'kea, GA, and Ye'tab, I waited for the dust to settle and for the shock to wear off.

Within minutes, the sounds of multiple sirens filled the air, and emergency vehicles rushed to the demolished building, trying to save those trapped under the rubble. Too bad for them that they were all dead.

I didn't need Jun Li to destroy the building. After all, Night had made sure that everyone inside of it was already dead, but it was more of a symbolic thing.

So that everyone would know that the Alliance was well and truly gone.

GA pressed against my back and wrapped his arms around me. I could feel his chin on the top of my head, and I couldn't help but smile. We stood that way for a while as the chaos in front of us only continued to escalate.