Keeping An Eye On Them

The Saalistaja Elder scoffed, but Da'kea went back to ignoring him, choosing instead to smooth down my hair that he messed up with his tusks.

I stared at the other male, refusing to take my eyes off of him for a single second. He didn't get to act that way. Not when Da'kea admitted that they were friends.

"It's okay," muttered my mate, too low for the Elder to hear him. "If I can't get through to him, then you can just kill him. I promise."

I grunted, but didn't say anything. I would let Da'kea handle this one however he wanted. I trusted that he knew best.

"You'll have to forgive my mate, Athadodh; she can be a bit overprotective," chuckled Da'kea as if the unpleasantness of before never happened. I snugged deeper into his chest, letting his scent calm me down and put me to sleep.


Da'kea was holding on to his temper the best that he could; however, his restraint would not last long.